Inclusive Leadership Assessment

Assess employees on key inclusion competencies to evaluate the behaviors that support a culture of inclusion and provide individual feedback on how to improve.
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See how it works

For your organization

Identify pockets of inclusive leadership to leverage in culture change.

Determine where to focus your training efforts and monitor progress.

Understand how the prevalence of certain profiles varies across your organization and design communications that effectively engage them.


For your people

Increased awareness of workplace dynamics with an honest self-reflection on how their beliefs, assumptions, and actions impact others.

Stimulate their curiosity to learn more with resources aligned to their current understanding of inclusion.

The Pulsely Inclusive Leadership Framework

The Pulsely Inclusive Leadership Assessment is a rigorous and scientifically tested framework for measuring individual employee’s contribution to an organization’s inclusion environment that promotes constructive dialogue while minimizing backlash and resistance. The assessment has three goals:

1. Promote self-awareness for each employee and build ownership of their own inclusion journey

2. Provide a focused learning agenda for the organization by identifying which competencies/pillars need to be developed

3. Identify impediments for employees’ motivation to engage in DEI and their ability to engage in the DEI conversation

Diversity & Inclusion Diagnostic

Inclusion Beliefs

Do your employees have the skills to build inclusion?
The Pulsely Inclusive Leadership Assessment measures five dimensions:

Embracing difference

The act of celebrating, embracing and harnessing the differences between people in a way that maximizes everyone's contributions, rather than avoiding conflict by focusing solely on commonalities.


Positive actions

Evaluates the degree of personal responsibility for proactively taking inclusive action while potentially risking their own social and political status.


Awareness of systemic bias

The extent to which the individual recognizes flaws in the system that despite good intent need to be addressed and monitored or whether, alternatively, they tend to trust that the system is a meritocracy.


Bias introspection

A person's recognition, acceptance and desire to identify and mitigate the inherent unconscious biases that can lead to instinctual decision making influenced by stereotypes and assumptions.


Openness to change

The degree to which employees will change their own behaviors to foster the inclusion of different backgrounds and perspectives to create a new dynamic that benefits the organization.

Individual Report


Each employee can receive a report based on the results of their inclusive leadership assessment containing:

Description of the main traits and dimensions of their inclusion persona and how they can support workplace inclusion.

Key areas for personal growth to create accountability.

Curated content to inform and empower them on them on their inclusive leadership development.

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The 3 Inclusion Beliefs Types

Employees are sorted into three groups based on the results of the Inclusive Leadership Assessment. Knowing the distribution of these types in different areas of the organization allows you to build inclusion more effectively.


Inclusivists believe a change in the system will lead to increased equity.



Investigators notice what makes people successful in the workplace and try to replicate that.



Traditionalists generally believe the sole focus should be on getting the best business outcome in the most efficient manner.

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Assess behaviors to drive a culture of inclusion

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