
How is Pulsely different from other providers?
How is Pulsely different from an engagement survey?
What kind of companies benefit from Pulsely?
How does Pulsely ensure employee participation on surveys?
Do you benchmark company data with industry or geographic data?
What demographic information do you collect?
What consulting services do you offer?
Are surveys anonymous?
What is Pulsely’s GDPR policy?
What can Pulsely do that my internal analytics department can’t do?
Why do companies need D&I Analytics?

For Survey Participants

I care about Diversity and Inclusion - how can I help my organization move forward?
What if I don’t know how to answer one of the questions?
How were these questions developed?
How will my response be used, even if it's not identifiable?
If I'm the only person that fits under a certain demographic, how will my answers be kept anonymous?
Can I edit my answers if I change my mind?
What if I leave the page without answering all the questions, will they be saved for when I come back?
I have received reminders that state I have not yet completed the survey. If my identity is private, how do you know if I have answered or not?
This survey asks about some sensitive information - is it truly anonymous?