Inclusion Perspective

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Pulsely’s scientific approach allows you to reflect on your beliefs and attitudes about inclusion in the workplace.

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Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements, by clicking the most appropriate button.
If we continue to use the same criteria of the past to evaluate people today, we risk being biased.
Ignoring the cultural differences of my peers might have a negative impact on how effective we are as a team.
When working with people from different cultures, I stay within "safe" areas of discussion but avoid any topics that could be sensitive.
I would not override my instincts just to avoid potential bias when making decisions about others.
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements, by clicking the most appropriate button.
Trying to make connections in the workplace with employees who have a very different background than mine can be challenging.
It's not my job to "invite" employees who are different from me to make contributions; They should be the ones showing initiative.
If a colleague is quiet, I try to include them in whatever I'm doing rather than leave them alone.
It is likely that I have unintentionally undervalued an idea because it came from a person who looked different to me.
People should adapt the way they speak to communicate better with people of different backgrounds.
I am aware of changes that I, personally can make to increase diversity in the workplace.
If a colleague can not speak the native language fluently, I find it a bit irritating.
We are all biased and need to hold each other accountable for the subtle ways we show preferences for certain kinds of people.
I prefer to avoid conversations with people who are very different to me as I really dislike filtering what I say.
It is unreasonable to expect me to adapt a changing workplace culture in order to make other people feel better.
The culture and experiences of others may be interesting, but at work we should leave that behind and act consistently as one.
If we wish to make our company fair for people of all backgrounds, some approaches need to be drastically changed.
It makes sense that future leaders of my organisation are similar to their predecessors.
When people from other cultures express concerns about the workplace, it can feel to me like they are being too sensitive.
If I don't discriminate against others, then I am not biased.
Long-held ideas should always be challenged to create a more inclusive workplace.
We may need to prioritise the promotion of people of different gender and ethnic background to overcome systematic bias.
I'm more likely to engage in addressing conflict within my team than to stay out of any problems that arise.
I am not really interested in getting involved with an employee group if I don't match the description (e.g., a man getting involved in a women's network).
I actively seek input from people different from me before making decisions.
I don't believe I should have to consider cultural differences in behaviour; we all just need to behave as the majority of the company does.
I make it a point to introduce people from under-represented groups to people in my network.
I often dialogue about challenging topics with coworkers that are different from me even when it makes me uncomfortable.
There is no advantage to being a white male for career development at our company.
What is your gender?
Which age group are you in?
What is your current role?
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