What is your Inclusion Perspective?

Knowing how you deal with differences is the first step to overcome future challenges in an increasingly diverse world.
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The Inclusion Perspectives

While it is important to address workplace inclusion at the organizational level with a focus on programs, policies, and culture, it is also necessary to evaluate how inclusion is driven by our own day-to-day interactions in the workplace.

This self-assessment allows you to reflect on  your personal beliefs and attitudes. Your report will describe your perspective on inclusion and working with others.

The Traditionalist

Believes the workplace is a meritocracy where everyone has an equal chance to advance and obtain rewards based on their individual merits and efforts. Is influenced by: objective data discussing the business case for inclusion and framed in the context of fairness.

The Observer

Notices that some individuals are not moving up in a way that cannot be explained by merit alone.
Is influenced by: data that show patterns of how different groups progress in the workplace and conversations that highlight the personal impacts of exclusion and trying to Assimilate.

The Connector

Believes that, despite everyone’s best intent, there may be patterns of opportunity and advancement that don’t appear fair. Is influenced by: research on unconscious bias and how to mitigate bias in the workplace.

The Advocate

Is motivated to change the system to ensure equitable outcomes. Is influenced by: Role models and change agents that show how courage and vulnerability are key to becoming more vocal and active in supporting marginalized groups.