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As a Passionate Inclusivist, you are considered an Advocate for DEI. As an Advocate, you have high inclusion beliefs and motivation to discuss them.

This is very valuable for your organization and colleagues, as you can help drive change that will make your workplace more inclusive for all. It is important for others to become as motivated and inclusive as you are, so do your best to encourage constructive conversations. While you may be impatient for change, remember that everyone is on a personal journey; unless you create a space for honest dialogue that inspires curiosity, you risk further backlash and resistance.
Inclusion Beliefs
Your motivation for DEI is moderate, which means there are factors that get in the way of your engagement in the topic. You may have other priorities or feel that DEI is not very relevant to you, personally. Alternatively, you may not have strong opinions but are open to discussing DEI, if driven by others. It is possible that with more information, you may feel more confident in participating in discussions. Because this is an important topic for your organization and in our broader culture, invest some time in learning more.
Traditionalists value fairness, merit and business outcomes. A focus on DEI and individual characteristics may seem like a distraction from the business at hand or a replacement for meritocracy, making interventions for specific groups feel like a form of bias. Core to these beliefs is the assumption that the workplace is already fair. This would require the way we value employees to be completely objective, and for everyone to have the same opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. A meritocracy is desirable, but we need data to ensure that it is in place.
Ability to Speak Up:
You have a high ability to be vocal about DEI, which means your personal inhibitions and external environment do not obstruct you from communicating your beliefs and passions. Look out for others who struggle to express themselves and use your abilities and platform to help others discuss their beliefs in safety without fear of judgment or hostility.
Traditionalist Investigator Inclusivist
? Openness to Change ? Embracing Difference ? Awareness of Systemic Bias ? Bias Introspection ? Positive Actions 100% 50% 0%
Inclusion belief results are split into 5 pillars, each representing a unique aspect of inclusion. Your responses to the survey can be compared to other responders, which allows us to assign you a 'grade' for each pillar. We do this so that you can consider where your inclusive strengths are and how they differ to the rest of the population.

These results are private. Only those you choose to share this link with can see these results. Your organisation can only see the average results of many people.

Openness to Change

The degree to which you will change your own behaviors to foster the inclusion of people with different backgrounds and perspectives to create a new dynamic that benefits the organization.

Embracing Difference

The act of celebrating, embracing and harnessing the differences between people in a way that maximizes everyone's contributions, rather than avoiding conflict by focusing solely on commonalities.

Awareness of Systemic Bias

The extent to which you recognize flaws in the system that despite good intent need to be addressed and monitored or whether, alternatively, you tend to trust that the system is a meritocracy.

Bias Introspection

Your recognition, acceptance, and desire to identify and mitigate the inherent unconscious biases that can lead to instinctual decision making influenced by stereotypes and assumptions.

Positive Actions

Evaluates the degree of personal responsibility for proactively taking inclusive action while potentially risking your own social and political status.

Disengaged Moderate Passionate
Strength of Opinion Prioritization Personal Impact 100% 50% 0%
There are many reasons why someone would be more or less motivated to discuss DEI, varying from previous life experiences to other life priorities. These are the reasons you told us.

These results are private. Only those you choose to share this link with can see these results. Your organisation can only see the average results of many people.

Strength of Opinion

How confident are you in your personal conclusions and how much emotional energy do you have to invest in your interactions when discussing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?


Is inclusion a high priority in your life, or are other things competing for your attention?

Personal Impact

Is Inclusion something that is personally relevant to you or is it something you could easily disengage with?

Ability to Speak Up
Muted Cautious Vocal
Psychological Safety Status and Role Expressiveness Authenticity 100% 50% 0%
There are several reasons why someone might not be able to communicate their beliefs and motivation, varying from unsafe environments to individual personality. These are the reason you told us.

These results are private. Only those you choose to share this link with can see these results. Your organisation can only see the average results of many people.

Psychological Safety

How free you feel to discuss Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, regardless of your beliefs, without fear of judgment and consequences.

Status and Role

How much you are able to share your beliefs on inclusion or whether your particular status or role in the organiza-tion limits your speaking up due to concern for company policy or the need to consistently support the decisions of others.


How much you tend to express your views on diversity and inclusion with colleagues in the workplace or whether your own internal barriers inhibit you from sharing.


How much you are able to authentically share your beliefs or whether you actively and knowingly alter your external stance on DEI from that of your true beliefs in order to feel accepted by your peers.

Traits of Inclusivists



As an Inclusivist, you are tuned in to how differently people experience the workplace. You see that the systems in place, while good-intentioned, can advantage some groups and disadvantage others.



Your broader awareness of systemic inequity, combined with your sense of fair play, means that you know the workplace needs to adapt in order to fully leverage a more diverse and global workforce - for moral and ethical reasons as well as for the business.



What differentiates Inclusivists from other groups is your combined understanding of the business case for inclusion and a personal connection (we call this the “head and heart”). There are plenty of reports demonstrating the business imperative for DEI, but the deeper connection is what motivates you.



Inclusivists feel compelled toward action and you know that means you will have to engage in difficult conversations. Some of us are ready to step up and dive in to change the system. Others of us find ourselves shying away from uncomfortable dialogues although we are ready to make smaller, incremental change.

Traits of Investigators



Investigators strongly value a respectful workplace. For that reason, they may prefer to focus on areas of commonality and steer clear of sensitive topics.



Investigators are interested in the perspectives of others. These discussions help to expand your awareness of challenges others face, especially when their background or personal characteristics are very different from yours.



An Investigator makes a great mentor, helping to coach others on how to navigate the workplace and learn what gets noticed and rewarded. You may see a colleague that needs to speak up more (or tone it down a little). You may know someone who often mentions that child-care impacts their availability and want to suggest they minimize references to their children.



An Investigator is intent on taking a deeper look at experiences in the workplace and trying to better understand the dynamics at play. You may be curious why there is not more diversity in leadership. It seems that differences in progression come down to personal choices and/or personal styles. Use your curiosity to think more deeply about the dynamics of the workplace.

Traits of Traditionalists



Traditionalists, like everyone else, want a workplace that is respectful and where they can be comfortable just being themselves.



You have a strong sense of fair play. No doubt you are facing your own challenges in navigating your career. In fact, interventions for specific groups can almost feel like reverse discrimination.


Business focused

Traditionalists generally believe the sole focus should be on getting the best business outcome in the most efficient manner. Celebrating individual differences may seem irrelevant to the workplace and incorporating the views of various people (seemingly just because they look different) really just slows things down.



Traditionalists tend to believe the system is a meritocracy, that it works fairly to recognise the most talented employees who are willing to work hard. So there appears to be no need to change the way work gets done and is re-warded in your company. DEI seems to be a distraction from the business at hand or a replacement for meritocracy.

Areas for Growth

Are you keen to highlight where the workplace may not be fair and want to hold people accountable? Remember that coming to this broader awareness was a process for you, and allow others the latitude to move through that process, as well.

If you can bring others along in partnership, you will have more impact. The key is to encourage curiosity and not trigger backlash. As you build your advocacy for change, channel your own curiosity to learn  about others’ experiences and empathise with their challenges.

Channel humility, as well. While there may be times when you get it wrong, continue your willingness to take interpersonal risks in order to learn more about where and what change is needed.
Diversity & Inclusion Scientific Framework

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